Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fluid Bonds: Views on Gender and Water

Fluid Bonds: Views on Gender and Water
Edited by Kuntala Lahiri-Dutta
Foreword to the second edition by Joni Seager
Co-published with The National Institute for Environment, Australia
demy octavo hb 464pp March 2006 ISBN 81-85604-70-3 Rs 800 Feb 2006; new ed Feb 2012

How do we recognize the centrality of gender as an organizing principle in the ways water is envisaged, used and managed every day in different locations and contexts? Fluid Bonds puts on a gender lens while looking at water, makes gender visible in the various ways water is dealt with, questions how these ways affect gender and how gender affects views on water.
The book is divided into: I ‘Global Discourses on Gender and Water’, II ‘Gendered Waters in Times and Places’, III ‘Gendered Cultures and Economics of Water’ and IV ‘Representations and Agency of Women in Water’.

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt is research fellow, Resource Management in Asia Pacific Program, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at The Australian National University, Canberra. Joni Seager is professor and chair of Global Studies, Bentley University, Boston.
Contributors: Margaret Alston, Tran Tuan Anh, Priyodorshi Banerjee, Rutgerd Boelens, Annie Bolitho, S. Chandrasekhar, Julie Davidson, Marna de Lange, Jane Dowling, Barbara Earth, Deb Foskey, Heather Goodall, Lesley Head, Richard Howitt, Diana James, Kshepo Khumbane, Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Fiona Miller, Michelle Moffatt, Ndilekha Mohapi, Pat Muir, Umesh Pandey, Namika Rby, Anil C. Shah, Elaine Stratford, Sandra Suchet-Pearson, Farhana Sultana, Robin Tennant-Wood, Bhavana Upadhyay, Barbara van Koppen, Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Margreet Zwarteveen.

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