Minorities in South Asia and Europe: A New Agenda
Edited by Samir
Kumar Das
book studies minorities of South Asia and Europe in a comparative and
transnational perspective. While country-specific studies in minorities are not
rare, their comparisons within a region (like South Asia and Europe) or across
them are almost non-existent. This is so because the history of the formation
of minorities in many ways coincides with that of the formation of
nation-states. As modern states emerge and their boundaries are drawn
precisely, minorities are created––if not ‘trapped’ and ‘colonized’––within
them. Comparisons among minorities are often regarded as to politically
volatile a subject to be encouraged by nation-states. Today it is imperative to
undertake this task as the forces and processes of globalization flush the
minorities out of their respective state boundaries.
Published By:Samya
demy octavo hb
326 pp
ISBN 81-906760-3-8 Mar 2010 Rs 700

in the whirlpool of global politics, minorities sometimes do not know how to
retain the autonomy of their social and political agendas. Modern minorities
are the product of nationalist discourse. It suggests a new agenda in minority
Kumar Das is a member of the Calcutta Research Group and Professor of Political
Science, University of Calcutta.
contributors are well-known academics and activists from South Asia and Europe:
Banerjee, Thomas Benedikter, Bojan Brezigar, Andreas Eisendle,Benedikt Harzl,
Harriet Hoffler, Emma Lantschner, Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka, Javaid Rehman and
Ranabir Samaddar.
Published By:Samya
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